We knew for a while that Maserati plans a hybrid Ghibli. The model will be built in Italy and it will be the first true hybrid of the company.

Originally, Maserati wanted to unveil the Ghibli Hybrid in April at the 2020 Beijing Motor Show, but the pandemic canceled the event and the Italian car manufacturer decided to postpone the presentation.

But today, Maserati has published some “teaser” pictures and a video which are announcing the new hybrid model. In the media documents you’ll get the chance to see only the Maserati HQ strucked by a lightning. The Italian company sais this is a refference to the moment where a a single spark evolves into something new. Pretty good marketing, guys.

Also, the guys from Maserati did not discolse the new official date of the presentation, so all we get it this edited video with the Italian building acting as a lightning-rod.