I’m pretty sure that you can remember the Mercedes-Benz Vision EQXX Concept. Well, the German prototype who was specifically tailored to cut the air like a raindrop, did a special run on public roads.

The engineers wanted to see how long can the car go with one charge. And they did in a real world test.

The trip went on public roads from the company’s Electric Software Hub (ESH) in Sindelfingen, Germany, to the coastal town of Cassis, France. As you would expect, the road had everything you can get out there: from winding roads to highway.

And the test was a succes after completing the road trip with a 8.7 kWh/100 kilometres. After 626 miles on public roads, the car continued to show more than 85 miles or remaining range. So this is possible: to travel over 1,000 kilometres with one charge.