2014 Chevrolet Corvette Review

  • Performance
    4.8 of 5.0
  • Cost of Ownership
    4.0 of 5.0
  • Interior
    4.2 of 5.0
  • Reliability
    3.0 of 5.0
03 Jan 2014

For decades Chevrolet has produced some of the finest sports cars under their Corvette series. The 2014 Chevrolet Corvette, like its predecessors, is a marvel to look at. The design of the car is breathtaking. It incorporates a few design aspects of the original Stingray. In addition to this the car has a massive engine lurking under the extended hood.

Engine Specification

There are many variants of the 2014 Corvette. The basic engine specification for all the cars is the same, but there are subtle differences. The engine for the 2014 Corvette is a massive 6.2-liter V-type 8-cylinder engine. The basic specs of this engine are similar to the ones used in the previous models. However, Chevrolet has introduced something new to this beast. Firstly, the new engine, the LT1, is lighter than the engines used in the previous Corvette models. Secondly, this engine is more fuel-efficient.

The lighter and fuel-efficient engine seems to be quite powerful and it is. It produces five% more power than the previous 6.2-liter engines. Combine this with the new and lighter body design and the 2014 Corvette is a monster. The engine is rated at a staggering 455 horses and produces 460-pounds of torque per feet. If you think this is not enough power for you then Chevrolet has another trick up their sleeve.

There are a couple of variants of the 2014 Corvette. Although each variant carries the same type of engine, some are factory fitted with a few modifications. This is Chevrolet’s secret weapon, the Z51 performance upgrade package. This package features a bunch of upgrades that can turn the already powerful 2014 Corvette Stingray into a beast waiting to be unleashed. With the Z51 performance upgrade, the 2014 Corvette goes from 0 to 60mph in a mere 3.8 seconds.

Interior Design

The interior of the 2014 Corvette is a work of art. Every aspect of the interior of the 2014 Stingray oozes sophistication. One of the best features about the interior is that its looks like it was assembled in a single piece. The bucket seats are extremely comfortable and allow the driver to handle the car in a much better way. These bucket seats come in handy when taking a sharp turn on corners. The Stingray produces a force of 1G when going around corners.

The short-throw shifter allows for quick and smooth gear changing. Even the console is conveniently tilted towards the driver for smooth operation of the controls. The driving mode selection switch is located right behind the shifter. So, if the driver desires to change the driving mode and get the ultimate racecar feel, he/she can do so anytime.


The standard transmission in the 2014 Corvette is a 7-speed manual. However, if you are more interested in an auto transmission Stingray, you can go for the paddle shifter. The 2014 Corvette is also available in a 6-speed paddle shifter version. Of course, this version is also available in automatic mode.

Exterior Design

The exterior design of the 2014 Corvette Stingray is true to the original Stingray. However, it is more aerodynamic and the body is much lighter. Skipping the popup lights allowed the company to enhance the car’s aerodynamics further. The front end of the car boasts a mellow look and a sporty feel. On the other hand, the rear end features a set of redesigned tail lamps. The rear end has a meaner feel to it.

If you are a Corvette fan you are sure to be impressed by the 2014 model.